Thursday, May 14, 2009

We're Going Streaking!

There are many things in life that I have a very strong opinion on (i.e. restaurants, buying medicine, sports).  However, one thing that I am still undecided on in streaking.  I can't figure out if it is hysterical, asinine, or somewhere in between.  I think it's really a case by case basis, and in this case, this guy did it the right way:

I bring this up because on Tuesday night, this guy became the first streaker in Citifield history.  I think he did a fantastic job for 3 reasons:

1.  It looks like he waited for a foul ball to come his way before he derobed and made a run for it.  His timing was deliberate and impeccable.  This maximized his exposure and allowed for the most people to appreciate his performance.

2.  He slid into 2nd base naked.  Do you know how much that must hurt?  He is going to be finding dirt in some disturbing places for weeks to come.

3.  He surrendered in the outfield.  He didn't fight back or cause a problem.  He accomplished what he set out to do, made the most of it, and knew when his time was up.  It was a graceful exit.

What do you think went on behind the scenes after this guy was removed?  You think Omar interrogated him with a single light bulb shining over his head?  Did they send Gary Sheffield in to teach him a lesson?  Did Castillo show fake bunt?  All I know is, this act was premeditated and executed perfectly.  Well done.

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