Monday, February 16, 2009

Private Computer Crash Steak Lessons

The title of this post summarizes three major events that have taken place in my life over the past 72 hours (1) My computer crashed (2) We took a private cooking class and (3) I ate a significant amount of steak/other various meats for dinner tonight. And now I elaborate...

1. Friday night, my computer worked. Saturday morning, my computer did not work. Nothing says happy valentine's day like a crashed hard drive. The one bright spot with this is that my Apple Care is valid through May, so if something was going to happen to my computer, now was the time. Usually, I would expect for this to occur the day after Apple Care ran out. For the time being I am using Diana's computer/my work computer. Should be up and running in 5-10 business days.

2. As part of my valentine's day present to Diana, we took a private cooking lesson with Janeen Sarlin, who says she cooked for Bill Clinton. The class was at a friend's apartment and was put together by Dave for Stephanie's birthday. In total, there were three couples in attendance. (Editor note: When it comes to people in my blog I have two rules: (1) I don't use friends' last names and (2) I don't introduce any of my friends to my readers. If you are that curious, you can ask me. However, Janeen Sarlin is fair game as she is a public figure). Dinner took 7 hours to make, during which approximately 9 bottles of wine were consumed by the six of us. We learned how to cut onions without crying, how to pound veal, and how to turn pie crust into breadsticks. The night concluded with Rock Band. Note to self: Planning dinners involving nine bottles of wine on a Sunday night is a bad idea. When you have work the next day and no one else in the country does. By the way, Janeen was great and I would highly recommend her.

3. And now I arrive at the steak/other various meats portion of the post. Last night after work, I took the PATH to "meat" (no pun intended) Matt and Joe for dinner in Newark at Fernandes' Steakhouse. It is a Brazillian restaurant that specializes in Rodizio (waiters serving various meat on skewers at your will). The quantity of food consumed was legendary. Cows, lambs, and pigs were running for their lives at the very sight of us by the end of the night. My personal favorite was the roast beef. Other honorable mentions included the bacon wrapped filet, pork loin, and garlic sirloin.

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