So Joshua's Jabberings took a little vacation over the past two months. I have two explanations for this:
1. I got engaged
2. I got lazy
From the beginning, I knew that if I didn't feel like writing, I wasn't going to. And with all the craziness going on in my life, I didn't really feel like sitting down and putting together a coherent post. But now I feel like writing again, and I'm ready to revive my Jabberings. Here is a high level overview of what has been going on with me since my last post (in chronological order):
1. I got mentally prepared to propose by going on two pre-engagement bachelor parties. I needed one last hurrah (or two) before proposing, so I went to Vegas for Scott's bachelor party and to the Bahamas (part 3) with the BU crew. To summarize the trips, I'd like to quote Alan from "The Hangover" (best move of the year, by far, maybe of my life). I love it:
"I'm a steel trap. Whatever happens tonight, i won't ever ever speak a word of it. Seriously. I don't care what happens. I don't care if we kill someone."
And so that's all you are getting out of me for those trips.
2. So I went and got engaged to the most special lady in the world. I don't feel like running through the whole proposal because I think the wedding website does a good job of describing how things went down. You can check our website out here:
Josh and Diana's Wedding Website
3. Along with proposing, I bought an engagement ring. This process went well, but it was still a traumatic experience. I plan on writing a detailed guide to purchasing an engagement ring on the blog, so stay tuned.
So that is pretty much it. Obviously other stuff has gone on, but once again my laziness is returning. Thank you to all of my loyal readers who have been hitting the refresh button to see if I wrote a new post every hour for the past 57 days. I appreciate the support.